The hardships I was experiencing before I did the big chop was trying to get my damaged hair to match my roots and for it to all be one texture. Initially when I would take my twist out and start to pick through my hair, I wasn't happy with the results, So I finally decided to start over by cutting the damaged hair off and starting the process from there. So far I'm pleased with how it looks.
I really love my hair because for me its away to express yourself. I don't believe that I could wear one
hairstyle everyday. I love to be different and I change my hair with every outfit, even with me having short hair I've found a lot of ways to style it. The first time I cut my hair off from a bad bleach and perm (Which I shouldn't have done), I just let my hair grow long enough to where I could get braids and from there I was back to perms. I want to get my hair back long & healthy, having healthy hair and seeing the change in my hair is making me want to continue the process. Any advice I could give on how to keep your hair healthy - even if your not going through the natural journey, is to keep it moisturized, and in between styles, let your hair breathe." - Kaneetra
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