From the Big Chop to natural thick healthy hair, Christina talks to us about her natural hair transition.
A: I was relaxed, and rocked braids during high school and first year of collage. My relax hair journey started pretty late, I must have been around 13 or 14. But I would go months in between a touch up. I wasn't a very girly girl. So for me, I learned about a lot of things later in life - hair, makeup (I am still learning that), dresses (I was / am a tomboy) and so on.
Q: When and why did you decide to start wearing your hair naturally?
A: I honestly stumbled onto a natural hair website one night in 2006/2007 and thought it would be a great idea- I did the big chopped three times before I finally decided in 2009, to just go natural. My last and final Big Chop was December 2009. It was more of a decision to see what and how far along my hair would go. I didn't transition at all. What I did (or my brother did) was to take clippers to my head and shave everything off. So I did this three times- I think, that first shower after the hair is gone is my real reason for doing it so many times!!!!!!!! Its a wonderful feeling of freedom.
Q: Did you have any big fears about going back to your natural texture?
A: Not really. My biggest concern was what was I going to do a big chop again (this was after the first 2 Big Chops). I just armed myself with information and decided to see where this journey would take me. But I will say this, after my first Big Chopped, I lived in Austria and my after last Big Chop I moved to Nigeria, now I am back in Europe (Scandinavia), it is hard because, I don't see many natural haired people. Maybe because its winter, hopefully during summer, I will see more sisters rocking natural. So I basically turn to the internet and other blogs to help me along. It's an ongoing process. I try and learn as much as I can. I recently learned to do my own braiding, which went very well. So now, I want to learn how to cornrow my own hair and do much more. I figure it's my own hair. Why not do the best I can for it?
Q: What are three products you can't live without for nurturing/styling your hair?
A: Amla oil
- I used to use this even when my hair was relaxed. So I basically know this product and I live by it. Shea Butter
- I finally got my hands on some raw, unrefined, shea butter and boy do I love it. Not just for hair, but I use it all over my body. Conditioner - Honestly, Any!!!!!!! If I read about a certain conditioner and I can actually find it, then I just go out and buy it. Thus far, I found Herbal Essence
, which is my new favorite product, after Garnier Fructis.
Q: What would you say to someone who's thinking about embracing their natural hair, but scared about being rejected in various parts of their lives?
A: I get scared too, even now, my hair is soooo thick, so long and I get scared since I don't have the 'full arsenal' of products that many naturals have tried. What gets me through it is that it's just hair. And its coming out of my scalp. Its all mine, and looks different from another person. Making me wholeheartedly unique. Also, I like to tie my hair with head wraps, hats, beanie and now since I have learned how to braid - I am always good to go! Find something that works for you, for those 'wanna give in days' and believe me, everyone has those days. Hang in there. Its truly worth it.
Q: How can we keep up with you and your journey i.e. blog, twitter,facebook, fotki, tumblr, personal or professional website?
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