I am excited to write about
Chef Ahki. Not only is she beautiful, but she is a celebrity Chef, natural food activist and blogger. It's my birthday today, and it is a day of reflection. I am realizing that my health is the worst that it has ever been, and I am at my heaviest weight ever in life. Part of this is due to be having a new business that is very demanding and being a full time mom to teens and a baby. I am busier than I have ever been and my health is paying the price. I have have not slept well for two years and my diet is horrible. You hear all the time that good sleep is a great way to keep your weight down, well it is true. One is because your body needs that time to recover from your day and replenish itself. So that when you do wake up, your not overeating to try and make up for feeling tired. Also when you stay up for longer hours, you end up eating more than you would if you went to bed at a regular time. So besides my never getting enough sleep, and always eating more meals in the day that I should - my food choices have been pretty bad. So with today being my birthday, and me health being at its worst - I think I want to make a promise to myself to try and make better choices when it comes to eating better, getting more rest and working out more.
That is why I am excited to have found Chef Ahki's facebook page. I knew about her before this time,

because she was well known beauty in the natural hair community. But today, my appreciation for what she is doing is because she centers her craft of being a Chef around healthy eating. "Different from other "veggie heads" " green- smoothie fads" and the likes, AHKI's content is laced with amazing personal style, intelligence, real -time relevent science, and surpisingly Hip-Hop. She is known to express her fury about our current food state with phrases like Your Tastebuds have been Hijacked" "Illness is Unnecesary" Diabetes is Reversible" "Because we ain't Supposed to be Sick" "You Ain't depressed, you just malnutrtioned". "Friends Don't let friends Eat at Waffle House" etc. She has used controversial figures like Che Guevara and Malcom X to "artistically express" her ideas and considers herself a though leader. In short, she cares not if she ruffles your feathers, as long as you walk away empowered and inspired to Get Healthy..By Any Greens Neccasary.

She transitioned to a plant-based diet at just 18, and became a colon-therapist. She decided to study under Dr. Mark Armstrong and recieved a bachelors in naturopathic science and holistic theology and was intrigued by the healing power of herbs, and eastern healing modalities.
Raised by four generations of medicine women in her native Oklahoma, Ahki was introduced to indigenous foods and alternative modalities early on. Growing up working in her grandparents garden, she knows what real food is supposed to taste like, she believes that humans are electrical, and that we need electrical foods for optimum health. She uses seasonal, organic, fresh non-hybrid fruits and vegetables to create living food recipes designed to heal bodies and enhance lives." -
about Ahki

"Theres' nothing worse than going to a health foods store and rollin' up on some delicious "sounding" health item only to be shocked at the overwhelming amount of CRAP that's hidden inside. Let's face it. The Health food game is sewed up too. The aisles are filled with just as much crap as you'd find at Kroger. The Good thing is...with a little research, (and some discipline) you can avoid alot of these Fraud Foods disguised as health food items. Look for MSG. Sugar. Monondiglycerides.FructoseCorn Syrup.Whey. Rice or Potato Starch. Aspartame. Casein. Corn and Canola Oil. These are just a few to begin. More on these later." -Chef Ahki
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