Would you just look at that twist out! Like most of you, my curls don’t define themselves or match each
other perfectly, but that’s okay! Here you’ll learn to you do the most beautiful twist out that you have ever seen! Step One – Begin by thoroughly rinsing and shampooing your hair. Try to use a sulfate-free shampoo to gently cleanse your curls without stripping them of their natural oils. After that, add a generous amount of conditioner and begin finger detangling.
Step Two – After you've detangled, let the conditioner condition the hair for as long as needed, then rinse and begin the actual style.
Step Three – Section the hair into manageable sections (four to eight different sections, depending on the thickness and length of the hair) and clip all but one section of hair out of the way. Use a leave in conditioner of your choice, distribute it evenly throughout your hair. And lastly and an oil based product on top of that for “hold”.
Step Four – Start twisting that hair! You can use a wide tooth comb to part off neat sections or you can just grab at random and twist. I find that parting with a comb is better when you plan on wearing the twists as a style while pitch-parting (no parts) makes for a better looking twist out.
Step Five – Continue two strand twisting all of the hair. Make sure that you twist the hair in direction that you want it to fall. Decide where you want your part to be and twist accordingly!
Step Six – Let your twists dry completely before you remove them! You have two options here, you can remove them once they've dried (which should take less than twenty-four hours) for a crisp, more elongated twist out or you can wait several days (like I typically do) for a twist out with a deeper, more defined curl.

The Author: Dominique-Alexis (from Natural-hair-care-info.com) is an eighteen-year-old blogger, aspiring hair stylist, and Paul Mitchell student. She has been blogging about the care and keeping of natural hair with her little sister for three years and plans on becoming a famous hair dresser for celebrities, teaching at hair shows, and educating African-American women to love themselves and love the beautiful curls that God blessed them with!